Compact concrete plants MEKA
30 years of experience
In providing professional engineering services and manufacturer of construction equipment
Reliable equipment
Reliable components
that ensure high efficiently
Unique engineering
Innovative developments
and engineering division qualification
About compact concrete plants MEKA
MEKA compact concrete plants are in high demand in many countries due to the high quality of the concrete mixing and transport equipment, affordable loads and easy operation. It is the best solution for small construction sites where a stable supply of quality concrete is required.
Why choose MEKA compact concrete plants?
MEKA compact concrete plants have many advantages and advantages compared to similar products of other manufacturers:
- Quick commissioning of the complex. Assembling the plant and setting up the equipment takes an average of 4-5 days.
- Easy transportation. Depending on the model of the complex, two or two trucks are needed to transport it.
- Small size. Compact MEKA plants cover an area of 50 to 80 square meters.
- Nie je potrebné položiť základ, na inštaláciu komplexu stačí vyrovnaná plošina.
- According to the model, the complex can produce from 20 to 120 cubic meters of concrete per hour.
- 3-4 people are enough to manage the plant.
- The high level of quality of concrete plants and auxiliary equipment makes it possible to obtain construction mixtures of a homogeneous structure.
- The ability to produce concrete with any cement content and various additives.
- Low energy consumption and minimal complex maintenance costs.
A wide range of models allows you to choose the right compact concrete plant for your specific application. The possibility of installation on small construction sites will save money on the delivery of concrete.
Thanks to sophisticated technical solutions, a high degree of automation and high-quality materials, MEKA compact dosing plants occupy one of the leading positions in their segment.
Due to the delivery directly from the factory and the absence of intermediaries, the price of our production is the most balanced in the market.